Happy Trails RV Center Rental Management Program

Join AMERICA'S PREMIER RENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (RMP) the largest Rental fleet in Missouri.
Be an RMP owner today -- It's the only program like it in Missouri!
This program is designed to allow our customers to purchase an RV (travel trailer or popup) from Happy Trails RV Center, and have the opportunity to derive substantial rental income while retaining the use of their unit.
It's simple - use your RV when you want to, and we rent it out when you are not using it!
This program is tightly managed and dedicated to maintaining the owner's RV in excellent condition. We have an abundance of renters and the most stringent renter screening process in the industry. We will maintain your RV, collect all fees and deposits, and send you an itemized statement each month with your rental income check. Treat your RV ownership as a business, and you will be able to deduct insurance premiums, maintenance costs, and upgrades as business expenses.
This program is perfect for you if:
You are concerned that you may not use your RV enough to justify owning it, or if
You are looking for additional tax deductions, and want to purchase a popular model as an investment.
Let the RV Professionals show you how to have fun and profit.
Now you can own your own RV and let the rental income help you pay for it.
It's FREE to join our program. For more information, please contact the Happy Trails RV Center Rental Department at (417) 533-7530 .